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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Being Human vs. Being Human: The English do it better!


 Back in January while on You Tube, I was completely bombarded with advertisement for a new show on the SyFy channel, Being Human. The show definitely had its selling points: a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost live together in an apartment. I'm sold. So after seeing the trailer and having the advertisements all up in my face I checked out Wikipedia to learn more about it. Wait a second, it's already a show? A current show? And it's British! SOLD!

After literally spending a close to a whole month catching up on the original BBC series I was in love and there was nothing else that mattered. Where have you been all my life Being Human? Where has Bristol, England been all my life? And Aidan Turner? More importantly where has British television been all my life? Being Human has started this revolution in me to pick up and move to England. I will forever be grateful.

I immediately fell in love with the show. It's Buffy meets Friends but in the UK. What I loved most about it is that it is so un-Americanized. I mean yes, we still have a hairy vampire and a hairless werewolf but our vamp is scruffy and Irish. Hot. And I don't know about you but I enjoy a werewolf that cries at a drop of a hat. You go George! The English just make the concept easier to grasp. Yes, it's a very good looking cast of actors but they are not overly beefed or sexed up. They're human.

 I know there's a lot of people who are enjoying the American version. I'm not hating on it but I just can't get into it. After watching the entire first season and then into the second season when the SyFy version premiered I lost my interest. It was basically the same story. It's a great story but I just watched that story. It's hard to watch a remake of something when you just literally watched it. Especially with the same lines. I'm sure fan boys will go completely bonkers if Andrew Garfield starts spewing out Tobey McGuire lines in the new Spider-man. (I can hear the future whining now.)

I just think that the BBC series is organic in comparisons to the American version. It's a watered down version. I may be completely wrong. Maybe they will go in a different direction. After all, each series (seasons) of the BBC version ranged from 6-8 episodes and American TV shows usually range from 12- in the 20s. If they are following the UK series exactly they are going to run out of story soon and would have to make some stuff up, right?

So for those of you who have never seen Being Human (any version), I say check out the English version. That goes for those who have only seen the American version as well. However both versions are not going anywhere. Both have been picked up BBC series for series (season 4) and SyFy series for season 2.

Being Human (UK series) currently on hiatus in the UK. Series 3 is currently showing on BBC America and series 1-2 are available on DVD and on Netflix.

Promo for series 3

Being Human (SyFy) is currently running on SyFy and is available on Hulu.

Promo for current SyFy season

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