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Friday, April 8, 2011

What I Watched on Tv Last Night: Vampire Diaries Returns

Hooray! The Vampire Diaries returned from a ridiculously long hiatus last night. It felt like MONTHS. I still don't understand these long hiatuses. I mean you can't just leave people waiting like that forever. You know!

So after returning from such a long time I was thinking that we would get down to the nitty-gritty, right? Does anyone else fell short changed? There were really surprising moments and good looking moments (any moment with Mr. Somerhalder shirtless is a win for an episode). But I felt there was a whole lot of nothing going on. I looked up at the time when I watching it and there was only like 15 minutes left and I was like I have nothing! Well I guess until the end... You know, the Klaus thing. Which can someone please explain to me.

So here are some low and highlights:


Bonnie and Jeremy.  It's cute and all but really boring. Yes, Bonnie enters a house, they lock Damon out, Jeremy stands there all confused (me too Jeremy), tons of whispering, some crying and then she goes all X-men Storm. Yawn. I don't get this whole Vampire-Werewolf-Witch formula. I didn't really like it so much on Buffy and not looking forward to it on True Blood. They should bring a gypsy into the mix like they did on Buffy. That would be cool....   or Zombies.....aliens...

Tyler.  Where is he? When is he returning? I miss him. His story line begins to rock and then he's sent away. People die and leave too quickly on this show. Come back Tyler, but this time not with Jules. I don't get her plan and I don't want to know it too.

Moonstone. Whose genius idea was to leave the moonstone in the soap dish? Just saying.


Isobel.  It was random and unexpected but it was great addition to the show. Like I said people die to quickly on the show but Isobel's death had some meaning behind it (in comparisons to Uncle Mason--- too quick!) It was sad though. Poor Elena.

Elena and John.  That was a touching moment at the end with her accepting him into her life. It is true she doesn't have any parents. Which brings me to a wonderful discussion I had with some friends. Vampires are distracting. I mean when is the last time Elena went to school or Sookie had a full work week. Paula said it's because of bad parenting which definitely Elena is a product of, won't you agree? My other friend said that Buffy was distracted too but the thing is that was a part of Buffy's job description: "In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer." I digress...

Damon and Stefan.  Brotherly love. It's rare especially between those two but it's sweet when it happens. The only thing that would have made the moment better if they did a happy dance. I do happy dance when I know something awesome that no one else knows. Especially if my life depended on it. And face it we all miss Damon's dancing.

Klaus.  I don't know where to put this in the high or low lights section because I'm just confused. So Paul Wesley joined Twitter and then is following this guy who is "playing" Klaus but Matt Davis (Alaric) is Klaus. WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?! Like I get it, Isobel kidnapped Ric and sent him somewhere, I guess to be Klaus but when are we going to see the actor dude playing Klaus. No offense, I think Matt Davis is a wonderful actor and I enjoyed his accent (very Dracula) but nothing good is going to come of that. I don't think you can embody an Original and then live to tell about it. I think Ric is going to die and this makes me sad. 

Things I would like to see:

Tyler.  Bring him back already! I liked the Caroline and Tyler relationship. Matt cries too much. Oh by the way, poor Matt. He really suffers from bad parenting. He's practically and orphan. How can support himself busing tables at the grill. Poor guy. But still bring back Tyler minus the Jules. She makes werewolves not fun.

Damon find love.  What happened to his girlfriend? I think it's time for Damon and Elena to get together now. I do enjoy his misery over it though. Ian does great existential acting. ("Who am I? What am I?")

Katherine... die.  I'm over the parent trap game. Or get Katherine to get with Stefan and bring Elena and Damon closer together.

Joseph Morgan

And Klaus.  I want to see the real Klaus show up. I hope it's not through flashbacks because I think that if that's true, Ric is gone, gone, gone.

Anything you would like to see? Anything you know, that we don't. Comment below! Click if this gives you the LOLs, it's lovable or it's a hot mess! Or Tweet us :)

Preview for next week. Geez! Mystic falls always has something going on? Return of another school dance. If I was Elena I would just get my GED and just live somewhere up in the mountains or something. This girl attends more dances then she does school. Well hopefully this is like the episode says "The Last Dance" (looks promising).

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