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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Movies to skip: Sucker Punch

"You'll be unprepared."- You're absolutely right!

  Sucker Punch

I feel like I am a sucker who got punched into seeing it. What went wrong? What was possibly right? I was a bit intrigued from the trailer. The intriguing parts was because I'm a girl (I liked their hair and their makeup), other than that it was a Zack Snyder movie and the music seemed really cool. My feelings still stand for what I liked about the movie after seeing it; the music and hair win.

If I was a fan boy/girl I would be in total nirvana because it looks completely like a comic book, but even I know comic books are suppose to make sense or at least be interesting. I'm a smart chick, I understood the "story" they were trying to tell but it just seemed so choppy and blah.

The story in a nutshell:

Babydoll is wrongfully accused and sent to a nuthouse. There she tries to escape by escaping into two (not one but two alternate realities). Reality one is the nuthouse but it's run like a burlesque club. When Babydoll starts to dance she goes into this other alternate reality and she begins her epic fight for freedom (that's when all the action really happens).

My friend said the perfect quote for this movie "It's like Inception for dummies". (I edited their quote. We don't use the "R" word around here.)

Nays about the film:

The Dancing. The thing is that you never see Babydoll dance. She just closes her eyes and goes into Ninja sexy school girl mode battling robots, dragons and weird looking samurais. I don't think I would be interested to see her dance anyways. I wonder if I close my eyes I would be able to kick some butt. Hmm...

The point. Lacking one.

Acting. Vanessa Hudgens said recently which is everywhere, that her ex-beau, Zac Efron should go see the movie... he's seen High School Musical trilogy before, he has some sort of an idea. 

Yays about the film:

Oscar Issac
Oscar Issac. He played Blue (also Joseph in The Nativity Story) the evil orderly/ nightclub owner.  I think the mustache and the flashy suit made him look super evil. He's the only person who stood out in the film. He did a wonderful job, I mean he played Joseph! He could make anything look good. He's definitely a person to watch.

Music. Zack Synder definitely comes from the Quentitn Tarintino school of putting great music in film. The music definitely fit the action sequences. One thing that didn't fit the movie was the bit at the end but that's something you will just have to see for yourself.

Hair and Makeup. I feel like I was in a Christina Aguleria video or watching Burlesque 2. Either way it worked. But question: How come girls who kick butt always have to have their hair and makeup made up. I would like to see a "normal" superhero or female action star without the hair, makeup and outfit. I feel like I started some epic fan boy/ feminist debate...

Selling point

If you look to see pretty girls fight in a Zack Synder (music video) movie then Sucker Punch is for you to go spend your $10 in the theater. If not, you can wait to watch it on Netflix (watch instantly) or just skip it entirely.


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