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Saturday, May 7, 2011


Thor opened up this weekend, and can I say; "Awesome, Action-packed, charismatic, makes you wish you had a Thor of your own movie". 

The movie is about a king who has two sons Loki, and Thor. Loki played by Tom Hiddleston and thor played by Chris Hemsworth. Thor is choose to become the new king. He is about to switch his reign to them so they may keep their kingdom safe from the ice kings who will ultimately freeze their kingdom and kill our their innocent citizens. Thor is chosen to take charge but is ousted from his kingdom after some selfish and childish decisions made during the first 5minutes of the film. This is how he ultimately gets to earth and meets his three friends who are played by Natalie Portman, Kat Dennings, and Stellan SkarsgĂ„rd. 

Chris Hemsworth is great in the movie, he's funny and charming and is very believable in his character. If your just running into this face for the first time, you may have noticed him from some of his recent work on Stars Trek, and a Perfect Getaway. Australian fans already know him from his soap opera days on the short lived "Home and Away". He is also brothers of "The Last Songs", Liam Hemsworth.
I  though they chose the right person playing this role, and it was amazing to see his transformation from a lanky actor to this incredible man of steel so to speak. He had to gain 20 pounds to make this role believe able, and was said to have been eating more than he wanted to, almost being force fed the food to keep the protein coming into his body that was building muscle. He has now lost 15 pounds and is said to look back to normal.  He could easily transform his body to playing another superhero if he so chose. Which I think he did because he was shooting the new film "The Avengers", right after his role for Thor.  Needless to say he made me fall in love with THOR. (he has gained a new fan) I fell in love with his demenor in the film and how the character presented himself.
And his chemistry with Natalie was so visible and electrifying. They held their chemistry to the very end, and the movie wasn't about them falling in love either it was truly on the storyline of him saving his kingdom. I loved on this was just an added bonus you got watch as the story unfolded. There were alot of funny parts and it was odd to see this in an action style film. I would recommend this to every comic book fan, and every action fan. The movie is not Fast and the furious if your looking into a typical "dude movie". It's more than that, its an action packed sci-fi comedic drama love story. 

Critics choice: B+ ....   MUST SEE!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

TV Night Done Right

Wow,  wow, wow. It was TV overload for sure on all leading ("leading"-- you'll understand soon) networks on Tuesday. NBC, ABC, and FOX went guns-a-blazing with all your guilty pleasures. In a world of HULU and TiVo all networks are winners but there are some shows you want to watch first in that exact moment. I never experienced a tug-of-war with television in my life before.

After watching all contenders I do have to say, I picked the wrong one :(.

I picked...

Oh Glee. I should have known better. I have been having a love/hate relationship with you lately and although you do fulfill some aspects you're not completely satisfying anymore. I was going to go into my whole Edward Cullen reference with a vampire and tofu analogy but too lazy to research full wording. (If you're a dork like me, you knew what I was talking about.)

Anyway, who was I kidding? I knew I wasn't going to like this episode from the get-go. Please no more Gaga-inspired episodes. She is not Mother Teresa. She was exciting the beginning but now I'm so over her. She is not the answer to anything and there is no "Gaga" curriculum. And please don't encourage you're students to wear meat dresses...e coli, pink eye, I don't know what else you can get from that but it's a waste of time.

I could go on and on about the whole Gaga thing because I feel like there are other great songs and more things Glee should be doing. I think the show should be called Gleega. Everything Gaga and cliche= Glee.

So many wrong things about this episode. However there are some good. Let's go: (New Plus and Minus system)

+ Rachel's Marcia Brady moment. But seriously Finn didn't hit her that hard.

- What is McKinely's fine arts department budget? (Seriously?! In time when fine arts are being pulled out of this school these Glee kids have budget to boot! A full on orchestra ready at the command of Mr. Schue or Rachel Berry. It's crazy! I need to teach there. Ohio is where the money is, apparently).
+ Lauren and Puck. I'm really routing for these two! They are so cute. Puck: "My permanent record has three volumes."
- The Warblers. Dalton Academy bugs me. They are like the Stepford Wives of an all boys school. However, I'm sad to see them all go but now we're stuck with Blaine. Warblers! Come back! Leave Blaine at Dalton!
+ Quinn. I really do enjoy the character. She's not that bad after all. I didn't think that the whole Lucy Caboosey story line was necessary but it showed that Quinn wasn't one dimensional. Bravo Dianna Argon!
- Flash mob. Flash mob's are cool. Flash mob's that repeat the name Barbara Streisand over and over and
over again are pointless and horrific!
+ Sam. More Sam please. I love his horrible impersonations. I think Sam and Mercedes should get together. Both of them need love! Could you imagine their babies??

+++ I do have to commend the writers of Glee about Emma's story line this week. I think it was an informative approach the mental illness and it was done tastefully. ++++

- In all, I had really negative feelings about this episode. I'm not going to talk about some agenda but I think their approach of being "Born this way" was wrong and too much. For example, the t-shirts just ruined it.  Yes, I went to the shirts, I am that literal. Some things you're not "Born this way". Brittany wasn't born "Stoopid", Puck's man love wasn't Stupid either and Artie didn't appear out of his mother's womb with glasses. I know I didn't; I sat too close to the television (It's true kiddos). I just think this was a just campy way to sing a song that is already campy and pointless anyways. Gaga doesn't work all the time. And she didn't last night and it really didn't have to be 90 minutes long.

I think if Glee went this route, which they were trying to do, it would have been so much better.

What I should have watched:

The Voice!

I read on Vulture that so many people switched over from Glee to this show. I didn't get the memo. I am now kicking myself for it.

I was kinda skeptical because with the way American Idol is just kicking a dead horse when it's down, it's the last music reality show that I needed. I mean Carson Daly (CARSON DALY-TRL-MTV PIONEER- CARSON DALY) is the host. If you grew up in MTV golden years you would know what that means. The man is a great host. That should have just won it over for me but it felt like too much. It seems a little bit too much of X-Factor/American Idol/ America's Got Talent for me... but I was WRONG.

Yes there is that formula but there is one specific factor in it. The coaches (not judges), coaches are good. We have CeeLo, X-tina, and Adam Levine. They are KNOWN for their talent, not their gimmicks, although some may have failed them in the past (Christina) but their voice can stand alone and sets them apart from everyone else.

For those of you who missed. It's really good and I think you would like it. Here's the gist from the first night episode:


For coaches (Xtina, Levine, CeeLo and Blake Shelton) first pick 8 contestants to be on their team from a blind audition. The coaches have their backs to the singers and if they like what they hear they hit a button, the bottom of their chair lights up "I Want You" and their Dr. Evil chair swivels around. If two or more coaches want to work with the contestant, the contestant themselves gets to choose. How amazing is that?! I mean you have to be amazing first of all to get the attention of those artist. But to PICK. Craziness.

And then they build their super team, have a dog fight (not literally PETA) and then someone wins money and contract. Blah. Blah. Blah. But good! I say check it out and hopefully Idol will go away.

I mean America (yes, US) should take a few notes from the Brits. They stopped Pop Idol (Idol's mommy) years ago. I'm pretty sure those presenters went over to X-Factor or Britain's Got Talent or something. I mean, who are you going to have host US X-Factor? Brian Dunkleman? No one knows who that is! If you are looking for him, he's in Ryan Seacrest imagination, next to Snuffleupagus. (Meaning I have a bit of Brain Dunkleman in my imagination too because I know who Snuffy is).

Well give The Voice a chance.

A lot of people did. 15 million viewers you guys! Beating out Dancing with the Stars, Glee and Idol. Hooray! See NBC?! You can still do it. Just don't let Jay Leno do anything else because he already had a part in one of my favorite shows death: Heroes. Yes Leno killed Heroes. Stupid 10 o'clock show....

Ending the night:

It was guilty pleasure night on Dancing with the Stars. I don't know what that means but there was a mega boyband and Hanson.

I love the Backstreet Boys, I love New Kids on the Block, I don't know how I feel about a mega BOYBAND but my inner teeny bopper will take it. I saw NKOTB two summers ago and I still screamed my head off.

I think I will be hearing a lot of backlash from the other half of this blog, but don't you think that  the Backstreet Boys should have taken some real time off? Like the New Kids? Just a suggestion... (PAULA).

So anyways back to their performances. I don't care so much for the mega boyband song but hooray for the oldies. Did you see Marky Mark's brother get down? I guess he will be a front runner for next year's cast.

However, Hanson had the best performance of the night. They have always been fun. I was totally jamming out to "MmmBop".

Lastly, who is this Pia girl? She didn't win Idol right? So why is she all over the place like she did? I mean, she's no J-Hud, Clay Aiken, or that kid. I didn't know that you could just go on to another network like that. Isn't there a contract? I mean Dancing with the Stars and American Idol are competition. It's like the guy who owns Pepsi having his house stocked up on Coca-Cola. Does anyone else see this madness???

Anyways, it was long post. If you made it through the whole thing, you clearly have nothing else to do and we should be best friends :)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Reminder: Things we like: Paula Andrea Photography

Reminder: Paula Andrea Photography is now in Las Vegas! Check out our recent post. Book a session... NOW!

The Blogging and the Restless: Things we like: Paula Andrea Photography: "Paula Andrea Photography is going on tour this spring/ summer! The tour starts in Las Vegas this month (April), South Carolina in May,..."

Friday, April 8, 2011

What I Watched on Tv Last Night: Vampire Diaries Returns

Hooray! The Vampire Diaries returned from a ridiculously long hiatus last night. It felt like MONTHS. I still don't understand these long hiatuses. I mean you can't just leave people waiting like that forever. You know!

So after returning from such a long time I was thinking that we would get down to the nitty-gritty, right? Does anyone else fell short changed? There were really surprising moments and good looking moments (any moment with Mr. Somerhalder shirtless is a win for an episode). But I felt there was a whole lot of nothing going on. I looked up at the time when I watching it and there was only like 15 minutes left and I was like I have nothing! Well I guess until the end... You know, the Klaus thing. Which can someone please explain to me.

So here are some low and highlights:


Bonnie and Jeremy.  It's cute and all but really boring. Yes, Bonnie enters a house, they lock Damon out, Jeremy stands there all confused (me too Jeremy), tons of whispering, some crying and then she goes all X-men Storm. Yawn. I don't get this whole Vampire-Werewolf-Witch formula. I didn't really like it so much on Buffy and not looking forward to it on True Blood. They should bring a gypsy into the mix like they did on Buffy. That would be cool....   or Zombies.....aliens...

Tyler.  Where is he? When is he returning? I miss him. His story line begins to rock and then he's sent away. People die and leave too quickly on this show. Come back Tyler, but this time not with Jules. I don't get her plan and I don't want to know it too.

Moonstone. Whose genius idea was to leave the moonstone in the soap dish? Just saying.


Isobel.  It was random and unexpected but it was great addition to the show. Like I said people die to quickly on the show but Isobel's death had some meaning behind it (in comparisons to Uncle Mason--- too quick!) It was sad though. Poor Elena.

Elena and John.  That was a touching moment at the end with her accepting him into her life. It is true she doesn't have any parents. Which brings me to a wonderful discussion I had with some friends. Vampires are distracting. I mean when is the last time Elena went to school or Sookie had a full work week. Paula said it's because of bad parenting which definitely Elena is a product of, won't you agree? My other friend said that Buffy was distracted too but the thing is that was a part of Buffy's job description: "In every generation there is a chosen one. She alone will stand against the vampires, the demons and the forces of darkness. She is the Slayer." I digress...

Damon and Stefan.  Brotherly love. It's rare especially between those two but it's sweet when it happens. The only thing that would have made the moment better if they did a happy dance. I do happy dance when I know something awesome that no one else knows. Especially if my life depended on it. And face it we all miss Damon's dancing.

Klaus.  I don't know where to put this in the high or low lights section because I'm just confused. So Paul Wesley joined Twitter and then is following this guy who is "playing" Klaus but Matt Davis (Alaric) is Klaus. WHAT IS GOING ON!?!?!?!?! Like I get it, Isobel kidnapped Ric and sent him somewhere, I guess to be Klaus but when are we going to see the actor dude playing Klaus. No offense, I think Matt Davis is a wonderful actor and I enjoyed his accent (very Dracula) but nothing good is going to come of that. I don't think you can embody an Original and then live to tell about it. I think Ric is going to die and this makes me sad. 

Things I would like to see:

Tyler.  Bring him back already! I liked the Caroline and Tyler relationship. Matt cries too much. Oh by the way, poor Matt. He really suffers from bad parenting. He's practically and orphan. How can support himself busing tables at the grill. Poor guy. But still bring back Tyler minus the Jules. She makes werewolves not fun.

Damon find love.  What happened to his girlfriend? I think it's time for Damon and Elena to get together now. I do enjoy his misery over it though. Ian does great existential acting. ("Who am I? What am I?")

Katherine... die.  I'm over the parent trap game. Or get Katherine to get with Stefan and bring Elena and Damon closer together.

Joseph Morgan

And Klaus.  I want to see the real Klaus show up. I hope it's not through flashbacks because I think that if that's true, Ric is gone, gone, gone.

Anything you would like to see? Anything you know, that we don't. Comment below! Click if this gives you the LOLs, it's lovable or it's a hot mess! Or Tweet us :)

Preview for next week. Geez! Mystic falls always has something going on? Return of another school dance. If I was Elena I would just get my GED and just live somewhere up in the mountains or something. This girl attends more dances then she does school. Well hopefully this is like the episode says "The Last Dance" (looks promising).

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Things we like: Paula Andrea Photography

Paula Andrea Photography is going on tour this spring/ summer!  The tour starts in Las Vegas this month (April), South Carolina in May, June-July in North Carolina and Massachusetts in August! Begin booking now.

Below is a sneak peek at her talent:

Locations for Vegas have been disclosed: If your in the Vegas Area, Paula is still available for Saturday & Sunday April 16-17th at 4-7pm. Email her for details and session bookings. Some of the places she will be at when in Vegas, are Nelson,NV (a great ghost town), Lake Las Vegas, Red Rock, and Mountain View Park for a family session. If you have suggestions of a place you think is photo worthy, comment and let us know! :)

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Movies to skip: Sucker Punch

"You'll be unprepared."- You're absolutely right!

  Sucker Punch

I feel like I am a sucker who got punched into seeing it. What went wrong? What was possibly right? I was a bit intrigued from the trailer. The intriguing parts was because I'm a girl (I liked their hair and their makeup), other than that it was a Zack Snyder movie and the music seemed really cool. My feelings still stand for what I liked about the movie after seeing it; the music and hair win.

If I was a fan boy/girl I would be in total nirvana because it looks completely like a comic book, but even I know comic books are suppose to make sense or at least be interesting. I'm a smart chick, I understood the "story" they were trying to tell but it just seemed so choppy and blah.

The story in a nutshell:

Babydoll is wrongfully accused and sent to a nuthouse. There she tries to escape by escaping into two (not one but two alternate realities). Reality one is the nuthouse but it's run like a burlesque club. When Babydoll starts to dance she goes into this other alternate reality and she begins her epic fight for freedom (that's when all the action really happens).

My friend said the perfect quote for this movie "It's like Inception for dummies". (I edited their quote. We don't use the "R" word around here.)

Nays about the film:

The Dancing. The thing is that you never see Babydoll dance. She just closes her eyes and goes into Ninja sexy school girl mode battling robots, dragons and weird looking samurais. I don't think I would be interested to see her dance anyways. I wonder if I close my eyes I would be able to kick some butt. Hmm...

The point. Lacking one.

Acting. Vanessa Hudgens said recently which is everywhere, that her ex-beau, Zac Efron should go see the movie... he's seen High School Musical trilogy before, he has some sort of an idea. 

Yays about the film:

Oscar Issac
Oscar Issac. He played Blue (also Joseph in The Nativity Story) the evil orderly/ nightclub owner.  I think the mustache and the flashy suit made him look super evil. He's the only person who stood out in the film. He did a wonderful job, I mean he played Joseph! He could make anything look good. He's definitely a person to watch.

Music. Zack Synder definitely comes from the Quentitn Tarintino school of putting great music in film. The music definitely fit the action sequences. One thing that didn't fit the movie was the bit at the end but that's something you will just have to see for yourself.

Hair and Makeup. I feel like I was in a Christina Aguleria video or watching Burlesque 2. Either way it worked. But question: How come girls who kick butt always have to have their hair and makeup made up. I would like to see a "normal" superhero or female action star without the hair, makeup and outfit. I feel like I started some epic fan boy/ feminist debate...

Selling point

If you look to see pretty girls fight in a Zack Synder (music video) movie then Sucker Punch is for you to go spend your $10 in the theater. If not, you can wait to watch it on Netflix (watch instantly) or just skip it entirely.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Being Human vs. Being Human: The English do it better!


 Back in January while on You Tube, I was completely bombarded with advertisement for a new show on the SyFy channel, Being Human. The show definitely had its selling points: a vampire, a werewolf, and a ghost live together in an apartment. I'm sold. So after seeing the trailer and having the advertisements all up in my face I checked out Wikipedia to learn more about it. Wait a second, it's already a show? A current show? And it's British! SOLD!

After literally spending a close to a whole month catching up on the original BBC series I was in love and there was nothing else that mattered. Where have you been all my life Being Human? Where has Bristol, England been all my life? And Aidan Turner? More importantly where has British television been all my life? Being Human has started this revolution in me to pick up and move to England. I will forever be grateful.

I immediately fell in love with the show. It's Buffy meets Friends but in the UK. What I loved most about it is that it is so un-Americanized. I mean yes, we still have a hairy vampire and a hairless werewolf but our vamp is scruffy and Irish. Hot. And I don't know about you but I enjoy a werewolf that cries at a drop of a hat. You go George! The English just make the concept easier to grasp. Yes, it's a very good looking cast of actors but they are not overly beefed or sexed up. They're human.

 I know there's a lot of people who are enjoying the American version. I'm not hating on it but I just can't get into it. After watching the entire first season and then into the second season when the SyFy version premiered I lost my interest. It was basically the same story. It's a great story but I just watched that story. It's hard to watch a remake of something when you just literally watched it. Especially with the same lines. I'm sure fan boys will go completely bonkers if Andrew Garfield starts spewing out Tobey McGuire lines in the new Spider-man. (I can hear the future whining now.)

I just think that the BBC series is organic in comparisons to the American version. It's a watered down version. I may be completely wrong. Maybe they will go in a different direction. After all, each series (seasons) of the BBC version ranged from 6-8 episodes and American TV shows usually range from 12- in the 20s. If they are following the UK series exactly they are going to run out of story soon and would have to make some stuff up, right?

So for those of you who have never seen Being Human (any version), I say check out the English version. That goes for those who have only seen the American version as well. However both versions are not going anywhere. Both have been picked up BBC series for series (season 4) and SyFy series for season 2.

Being Human (UK series) currently on hiatus in the UK. Series 3 is currently showing on BBC America and series 1-2 are available on DVD and on Netflix.

Promo for series 3

Being Human (SyFy) is currently running on SyFy and is available on Hulu.

Promo for current SyFy season
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