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Monday, January 3, 2011

What I watched on TV last night: Pretty Little Liars

Hooray, our favorite liars have returned! Sadly, I didn't write about this show last summer but I really enjoy it. It's like Gossip Girl meets I Know What You Did Last Summer.

With out any delay the show picks up right where it left off and still fails to leave you with that "so what just happened moment". We still have no idea who "A" is and right now it's kinda driving me nuts, but I'm intrigued. Without giving anything away, a lot of things happened, and didn't but there was a lead. Spencer now thinks that "A" is working with someone.

Here's what I think. I do concur that "A" is more than one person. I think it's that guy (the actor from "Smart House"- old school Disney), and Spencer's sister. The actress played that really crazy nanny on that one season of One Tree Hill that I watched. Or Spencer's sister's boyfriend and that Mona girl.

Or "A" is Andrea Zuckerman... Did you know that she turned 50 today? 50!

Can't wait to see how everything unfolds and folds back together again.

Pretty Little Liars is on ABCFamily Monday Nights (check your local listings, I'm not a TV Guide).

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    watched on TV last night: Pretty Little Liars: [...]


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