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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What I watched on Tv last night

No. Are you calling me a liar? Didn't I tell you I was officially done with it? So why second guess me. I am done. But its hard to go around functioning in life without hearing about it. Ryan Seacrest tweets about it non stop. By the way, he had chicken for dinner before the live show.

Although I am not watching it, I can still put my two cents into it. I just have one question and its my question I have had for a long time ever since it was announced. Why is Ellen Degeneres a judge on American Idol? No, seriously why? I'm a little bit peeved because allegedly, I say allegedly because I'm not watching and my proof of reference is from a tweet (funny how tweets are reliable sources nowadays). Ellen said that a contestant could not sing and they should be on Glee.

There are so many things wrong with that statement, I don't even know where I should begin. First, don't knock the only good show that FOX has going for them now Ellen, because the clock is ticking on Idol. Second, do you watch Glee? I LOVE GLEE but that's beside the point. No it is my point. Glee is a hundred times better than American Idol and its a scripted show. A real television show. I am over "real people" trying to win the heart of America. I rather just have Rachel Berry annoy the heck out of me and root for her because she's the underdog and you root for the underdog. I want go back to connecting with characters again instead of connecting with people who are trying to be characters. (Another post in the making).

Back to Ellen, isn't your main job a television host where you interview people. I think it would be awkward for a cast member of Glee to be on your show now, don't you? Oh yeah, you told someone they couldn't sing, and that they should be on our show.... awkward.

Glee is awesome, Idol sucks and Ellen should stick to her tv show. I can't have too many people on too many shows. I should only see you once during the week, on one show. Are you listening Seacrest?

Don't think the cast of Glee can sing? Check out this video from the World Series where they sang live!  Not every winner or blurb on our radar (contestant) on American Idol can say that. Can they?

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