Greetings! This is the first blog post EVER and its EPIC!
My comrade Paula and I will like to welcome you to our blog. We are extremely new to this and very excited at the same time. We have been talking about this for a long time and now it's finally a reality. We are two creative young women with really BIG ideas with A LOT to say. If we continued to contain all of this information any longer then our heads would have simply exploded and that would have been extremely messy. So blogging it is!
So are we blog worthy?? Well let's wait and see. What you'll find on here is our spin on pop culture, life and a lot of laugh out loud moments. Also Paula, is super creative and she sells her art. More deets later!
Here is a brief skinny on us! We will get more acquainted over our epic journey of bloghood.
I- Jessica am a graduate student studying to be a school psychologist. Currently I work with children with special needs doing play based therapy. I love my job and working with children mostly because makes up a great excuse for why I still watch the Disney Channel and why the Jonas Brothers are my favorite band. Best. Cover. Up. Ever.Aside from working and going to school which basically equals no life as you can tell, I love anything pop culture: movies, television, music, art, anything. I like to twitter (@JesRsica ) especially about my traffic mishaps. I live in the bay area and it happens to be the worse traffic I have ever experienced in my life. But I don't twitter while driving because thats a huge traffic mishap, right? :). I'm super excited to blog because I feel like 140 characters just doesn't capture the whole je ne sais quoi of it all. I'm super excited for spell check too, whoo hoo! Let's get this party going!
This is going to be fun!
JesRsica and Paula
PS- Forgot to mention. We live on opposite sides of the country. Jessica is in California and Paula is in North Carolina and we met in Florida. So Paula will introduce herself when she has the chance! :0)
Paula check in:
So that's the skinny on us. Let's see I was born in Rhode island, this far lil bit of space we call a state on the eastern boarder of the united states! It's a great little state you may want to catch it before it falls into the ocean by 2012. No, just kidding, but if it were going to happen it's epic size of being so tiny and almost forgettable would get us Rhode islanders into the ocean. Nuff about that terrible number, if your from Rhode island you are classified as a yankee, what the hell is that? Is that a southerner's term for racists? Hmmm..
Until I moved to this small town in which I call wilmington north bore of Carolina, I never heard that term before. Hell, I live in the most southern state that we call the sunshine state, yes people I have said it. The glorious, Disney Ridden, suntan nation, fake boob capital, diverse culture pot that melts with the Cubans, the Asians, and even the haitian persuasion which is FLORIDA.
This place that I described above is "Home". So home is really where I grew up, or where my family is? This is a confusing and touchy topic because well my parents now live in Greenville, south Carolina. A small town added to the most boring towns in America I might add. So I guess home is there too.
Well, I grew up in Florida. I've lived everywhere you can think of up and down the east coast, and through all the traveling back and forth and the miles added to my vehicle, I met my good friend Jessica.
Spunky, artistic and verbal, she is a winner people. She'll guide you through this great journey of bloggin through her wit, her comedy and definitely sarcasm of a personality. Not only will you begin to fall in love with her childlike humor and interest, I think you'll feel like you were deprived of not knowing such "punkie" charisma which she can shower through her words and feelings. It's going to be a roller coaster of up's and downs, and sometimes shouting matches but it will definitely meet all your expectations of entertaing this crazy world.
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